Frequently asked questions
In Izkira Urdaibai we want you to have the best possible experience, so we have responded in this section the most frequent doubts that our passengers usually send us.
Bookings and departures
In Mundaka: the Txorrokopunta dock or the port of Mundaka
In Sukarrieta: Island of Txatxarramendi or puffs from Portuondo
In Laida: The same beach under Atxarre bar or Aketas pier.
In Mundaka: Txorrokopunta pier.
In Sukarrieta: Island of Txatxarramendi or Portuondo jetty.
In Laida: The same beach under the Atxarre bar, you will find an orange flag pointing out the boarding point, according to the tide it can vary.
Is better to book and do the reservations online, the payment will be by credit card or Bizum and if there are places can be bought aboard the ship and the payment will be made in cash or Bizum.
The ship has a maximum capacity of 12 people
Yes, the ship is prepared with a landing ramp in the bow to facilitate its access and in the stern, there is a place enabled for wheelchairs with mooring belt. It is important that they notify the presence of users in these conditions to indicate to users the boarding point enabled.
Yes, indicate previously to book a place on the ship for pet users. Pets do not pay passage.
No, there is not. The ship is very stable and safe for young children who can move in it, provided that an adult is in care and under their responsibility.
No, it is not mandatory for adults, but there are 12 vests on board anyway, one for each person on board who can request it at any time.
Luggage and provisions
Yes, provided it is previously indicated that you are going to eat or drink on board.
Yes, a plus of € 3 per bicycle will be charged and the cyclist is recommended to call the point and collection time and thus facilitate its access to the ship.